We can help you to maximise your tax efficiency.
Expat Tax Advice.
Whether you are moving to the UK or moving overseas, we can provide you with the tax advice you need to ensure you are being as tax efficient as possible.
We advise clients in areas such as tax residency, domicile & remittance basis, international assets & income, international property, tax efficiency planning and much more, with a focus on income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax.
Living in the UK
If you’re an expat living in the UK, you might have a non-UK domicile, you may have overseas assets & income streams, or you may undertake some of your work overseas, all of which can have a significant impact on your UK tax position.
We can advise you on how to navigate the UK tax system, how any double tax treaties may apply to you and how you can maximise your tax efficiency.
Living Overseas
If you’re an expat living overseas, you may have UK sources of income which could still be taxable even as a non-UK tax resident.
You may also be looking to visit the UK as much as possible without triggering UK tax residency and tainting the tax-free treatment of your overseas income.
We can advise you on these areas and much more.
How We Advise
We provide our advice to clients in whatever form works best for them.
We usually provide advice in video calls and written advice via email, but can also meet clients face to face at our office in London.
Our most popular service is our fixed-fee expat tax advisory session, which involves a video call followed by written advice for clients to refer to afterwards.